A Collaborative Conceptual Brand Design Project.

Meaning: to enclose an object in a capsule.

Encapsule translates intangible human connections into wearable, everyday items in the form of accessories, inspired by the concept of a time capsule.

The brand preserves humanity in a form of time capsule for the future
generation to see. Customers are given the option of opening the capsule and wearing the accessory at this time, or preserving it as a gift to the future generation.

Collection 1: Diaspora


Dining as a family has always been a prominent culture in Chinese households. But, for many Chinese-Indonesian families, it was especially evident after the traumatic event of 1998, where a racial violence against the ethnicity broke out. Ideas, customs and values of being Chinese were suddenly forced to be kept within the four walls in fear of being the next target. The dining table served almost as a sanctuary for children to learn about their ancestors’ culture through stories of wisdoms and table manners taught by their parents.

Drawing inspiration from this event, our first collection revolves around the idea of the deconstruction of the dining table. The four pieces of jewelleries explore how a shared nostalgia of growing up in a Chinese household can connect an entire diaspora.



All in all, a team effort.

Brand Ideation and Direction: Dominikus Devon Khusuma (@ini.depon), Hilda Nikita Yusman (@_____niki), Sophia Ivana Satya (@sophiaivanasatya), Natasha Tjandradinata

Jewellery Design: Dominikus Devon Khusuma (@ini.depon), Hilda Nikita Yusman (@_____niki), Sophia Ivana Satya (@sophiaivanasatya), Natasha Tjandradinata

3D Rendering: Dominikus Devon Khusuma (@ini.depon)

Brand Logo: Natasha Tjandradinata

Brand Collaterals: Sophia Ivana Satya (@sophiaivanasatya)

Campaign Narrative Ideation: Dominikus Devon Khusuma (@ini.depon), Hilda Nikita Yusman (@_____niki)

Photography and Videography: Dominikus Devon Khusuma (@ini.depon),  Hilda Nikita Yusman (@_____niki)

Photography and Videography Edits: Dominikus Devon Khusuma (@ini.depon),  Hilda Nikita Yusman (@_____niki)

Marketing Direction: Sophia Ivana Satya (@sophiaivanasatya), Natasha Tjandradinata
