A Brand Design Project.

jodoh (jo·doh)
a word that is usually
used for one’s soulmate,
but it can also be used
for other things that are
meant to be.

Jodoh is an online marketplace that adopts a B2B and B2C model, acting as a mediator between designers, Indonesian artisans, and consumers. Jodoh garners the respect and business artisans deserve by building an ecosystem that marries the digital realm with the traditional, creating a library of artisans that designers can choose from to better ease their ability to incorporate artisanal craft into their designs.

The project took me around Yogyakarta, Bali and Cirebon to explore the artisanal landscape. The business idea began when I found out about the struggles artisans face throughout the pandemic. Through interviews and research, I found that the pandemic has taken a toll on the businesses of artisans in Indonesia. Artisans are willing to expand digitally in order to survive, but they do not know how to. Artisanal crafts are not easily available to designers, and communication is a difficult factor especially during the time of COVID. There is a lack of support in the sampling and production process between designers and artisans as well.

The brand aims to be the bridge that connects designers and brands to artisanal crafts without the barrier of language and distance, and the products created will be available for customers to order.

Prototypes were done on 4 different brands and designers: Jejak by Sophia Ivana Satya, Velika Hartono, Vivian Darlene Utomo and Maria Ivanco.

Campaign Images—


Art Direction: Natasha Tjandradinata

Brand Direction and Identity: Natasha Tjandradinata

Garments and Jewellery: Maria Ivanco (maria.ivanko), Sophia Ivana Satya (@sophiaivanasatya), Velika Hartono (@velikahartono), Vivian Darlene (@vee.darlene)

Image Edit: Natasha Tjandradinata, Dominikus Devon Khusuma (@ini.depon)

Photography: Jeff A.Landra. (jeffalandra), Julius Valentino (feriusvalent), Dominikus Devon Khusuma (@ini.depon), Natasha Tjandradinata

Photography Assistance: Julius Valentino (feriusvalent) , Kaleb Davin (@davinkaleb)

Videography and Video Edit: Kelby Timothy (@kelboy16)

Model: Vannes (@nvannes)

Props: Big thanks to my grandparents’ personal collection

Special Thanks:

Adrian Huang

Clara Fernandes

Christopher Purnawan

Circe Henestrosa

Furqan Saini

Kathryn Shannon Sim

Sanchita Mahajan

Hilda Nikita Yusman

Legong Batik

UC Silver and Gold

CV Tarum

Putri Ayu Tenun

Warung Silver

Kurnia Lurik

Adhinata Batik
